Concrete Crushing

Crushing of Concrete and Asphalt remains the preferred way of recycling materials from redevelopment of roads, large concrete structures and buildings.

Not only is it great for the environment, it can also be a good investment for your next project, as this processed material can be reused on the same site for new construction saving you money on transport and imported material cost.

What is concrete crushing?

Concrete crushing is the process of taking larger concrete rubble from your existing site and crushing it into smaller material, which can then be recycled for use on your own building site or development project.

How much Does it cost?

You can see in the table below, the cost of an example project. The additional management costs and lead time are wasted on your job site. Onsite concrete crushing by Sydney Crushing & Screening can save you time and money on your next project.

Concrete prepared for crushing
Concrete prepared for crushing
Poorly Prepared Concrete forCrushing

What materials are suitable for crushing?

Some of the benefits of using Recycled Asphalt or RAP 

  • Less dust than other road base type materials.
  • No clay fines are used in asphalt material which allows better use in wet conditions
  • Cost is less as this product has been used before.
  • Better for the environment as it is recycling material which would otherwise be destined for landfill as General Solid Waste (GSW)

What are the benefits?

Rather than adding to landfill, crushing your onsite concrete rubble can save you thousands of dollars in relocating it from your site, which in turn can be recycled, stopping the need to import fill for your site at a later stage.

What is a typical scenario?

Probuilt Constructions have a lot approximately 5000m2 with a large amount of existing concrete needing to be moved in order to commence development. Once the development is complete, they will need to transport roadbase to the lot to complete the infrastructure. Use the calculator below to Calculate the cost to remove the material

Two columns
Cost Comparison to Export & Import Material vs Crushing Onsite
Total Summary
Name Total
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Probuilt constructions can eliminate all these costs with an onsite crushing solution by Sydney Crushing & Screening. It’s fast, reliable and cost effective

Ready to quote your next job?

Yes we can do the small jobs. Interested in hearing more? Give us a call and we can chat about your needs. 

Call us on 0439 029 241